Hello everyone! I think it's time to move forward, I want to try myself in something bigger than just mobile arcades) I want to create an art game about Syrian conflict.
But for now, I want to show you my last games. They are on different stages of development.
1) Color Balloon:
Color Balloon is a game where you don't just control player, but controlling whole level. Combine paints to color your balloon and activate steamers to go through level. Dodge airships and helicopters to complete your adventure
Game is on stage of prototype. And development is freezed. If you say that you like this game, I will try to develop it)
And some screenshots:

2) Couple Dots
What would be if use this formula:
"2 Cars" + runner + shooter = "Couple Dots"
It's will be super addicting game for mobile
Game in beta. I'm searching a publisher, if you have interest in this game or just like it. Let me know)